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General terms and conditions





the following healthcare providers operated by the MARKOMPLEX MEDICAL GROUP:

Markomplex Medical Ltd. (Cg.11-09-026316, 2500 Esztergom, Kölcsey Ferenc utca 1.)

Markodental Praxis Ltd. (Cg.11-09-023716, 2500 Esztergom, Kölcsey Ferenc utca 1.)

hereinafter establishes the following General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: GTC) in relation to the health services provided by the Service Provider at the Institution:

  1. Interpretive provisions

The parties state that the following terms have the following content during the application of the General Terms and Conditions and the provision of services:

Patient: a person who requests or receives the healthcare services of the Service Provider – personally or through a representative authorized to do so,

Attending doctor: a consultant doctor chosen by the Patient or his or her authorized representative, employed by the Service Provider, or acting on behalf of the Service Provider based on another contract concluded with the Service Provider (e.g. contributory, personal contributor or self-employed), who provides a Treatment Plan related to the Patient’s given medical condition determines and carries out the interventions within the framework of these, and who is responsible for the treatment of the Patient.

Institution: location of provision of health care services by the Service Provider: 2500 Esztergom, Kölcsey Ferenc utca 1.

Health care service: all activities (including mediated health care services performed by participating doctors) whose purpose is to preserve the health of the Patient, as well as to examine and treat, care for, and rehabilitate the Patient for the purpose of prevention, early detection, diagnosis, and medical treatment of diseases , is aimed at reducing pain and suffering, and for the sake of the above, processing the Patient’s examination materials, including the provision of medicines and medical aids.

Health care: the set of health services related to the Patient’s specific health condition,

Urgent need: a change in the Patient’s state of health, as a result of which, in the absence of immediate medical care, the Patient’s life would be in immediate danger, or he would suffer serious or permanent damage to his health

Dangerous condition: the condition in which the lack of immediate action would result in a situation that directly threatens the life, physical integrity or health of the Patient or another person, or would pose a direct danger to the environment.

Examination: the activity whose purpose is to assess the patient’s state of health, to preserve his health, to detect diseases and their risks, to determine specific diseases, to determine their prognosis and changes, to determine the effectiveness of medical treatment

Intervention: physical, chemical, biological or psychological procedure for preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, rehabilitation or other purposes, which causes or may cause changes in the Patient’s body

Health documentation: the health service is a note, record or data recorded in any other way, which comes to the attention of the person providing the health service on behalf of the Service Provider, and contains health and personal identification data related to the treatment of the Patient, regardless of its carrier or form.

Medical confidentiality: health and personal data of the Patient that came to the attention of the persons participating in the care during the Patient’s health care

Treatment plan and pre-calculation sheet: part of the Patient documentation, which includes the service fee for medical interventions and treatments required based on the Patient’s preliminary diagnosis.

  1. The subject of the contract
  2. Based on the available information, the patient’s diagnosis, the itemized description of the planned tests and interventions and their general characteristics, as well as the description of possible complications arising from the nature of the intervention – depending on the type of treatment – Parties sign the “Information and Consent Statement” signed by the patient ” is recorded in (The content of this document forms part of the Patient’s health documentation, which data and information are covered by medical confidentiality, and the Service Provider may disclose them to a third party only in strict compliance with the relevant legislation.)


  1. The Patient (depending on the nature of the intervention or care, verbally/suggestively or with a written statement) instructs the Service Provider II/1. by carrying out the examination(s) and intervention(s) recorded in the documents referred to in point 1 and by dealing with the complications that may occur due to the nature of the intervention(s) recorded in the same document, as well as by providing the related health services. The Service Provider accepts the order for the provision of the healthcare Service and fulfills its obligations contained in the relevant healthcare legislation.

III. Remuneration of the Service Provider

The Patient is obliged to pay a healthcare service fee based on a valid price list as consideration for the treatment/intervention performed by the Service Provider.

 The Service Provider notifies the patients individually in writing that the Service Provider is entitled to the remuneration included in the current pre-calculation sheet for the performance of health service tasks and other services.

TV CXXVII of 2007. Section 85. (1) para. Based on point c), the service provided by the Service Provider is free of material VAT, the amount of the fee calculated in the brochures, even in the case of the application of a package price – may be modified by the costs of care for unforeseen circumstances or complications arising during or after the examinations/interventions, or in connection with them.

The Service Provider informs the Patient that, in the case of certain services, the prices included in the pre-calculation sheet may be changed or increased, if during the intervention a different or possibly more serious medical condition is established than what was included in the previous diagnosis.

Regarding the fee for the health care service provided to the Patient, the Service Provider issues an invoice for the service performed at the same time as the service is performed, which the Patient must pay – before leaving the institution – at the Service Provider’s cash desk, in cash or by bank card or health insurance card transfer.

In the case of surgical interventions, the Service Provider is entitled to request an advance payment from the Patient or his legal representative before the treatment, which amount is included in the fee for the healthcare service. The patient has the right to cancel the operation 48 hours before the operation. The patient acknowledges that if he (or his representative) cancels within 48 hours or does not show up for the surgery, the advance payment will not be credited or refunded by the Service Provider, unless he was not to blame for the failure to perform the intervention.

The Patient also acknowledges that in the case of outpatient care, he has the option to cancel the appointment he has booked at least 24 hours before the care. If the cancellation takes place within this period, or the patient does not show up for the appointment, the Service Provider is entitled to the visit fee, which will be invoiced to the patient.

The Service Provider informs the Patients that regardless of whether the tb. LXXX of 1997 on those entitled to benefits is insured by law, the health service is not used at the expense of the Health Insurance Fund. For this reason, neither now nor in the future can you receive NEAK support under any legal title.

The Service Provider also informs the Patients that – based on current legal regulations – possible follow-up treatments, follow-up care, care, further placement in other health care institutions related to treatments/interventions used in private care – in cases defined by law – are also subject to payment, for which NEAK funding cannot be used.

ARC. Rights and obligations of the Parties

In the course of health care, the parties are obliged to cooperate continuously in accordance with the applicable legal regulations, during which they are entitled to the following rights and burdened with obligations


Patient’s rights


  1. The Service Provider is entitled to appoint the Patient’s treating physician, taking into account the professional content of the care justified by the patient’s health condition and the nature of the care.
  2. The Service Provider undertakes to respect the Patient’s right to human dignity during the performance of its services.
  3. The Patient has the right to maintain contact, respecting the provisions of the Service Provider’s policies and the rights of other patients and without interfering with patient care. The Patient may prohibit the fact of his medical treatment or other information related to his medical treatment to be disclosed to others. This can only be waived at the request of a close relative or the person responsible for the care of the child.
  4. If it does not endanger the physical integrity and health of others, and the law does not provide otherwise, the Patient is entitled to leave the institution after signing the relevant declaration. The Patient must notify the attending physician or the head of the department of the intention to leave, who will indicate this fact in the Patient’s medical documentation and attach the signed statement.
  5. The patient has the right to receive complete and detailed information about his health condition, its medical evaluation, and all the circumstances related to examinations and interventions in a way that is understandable to him, taking into account his personal characteristics and current condition from all aspects. The Patient is entitled to ask additional questions.
  6. The Patient has the right to self-determination, which can only be limited in cases defined by law. According to this, the condition for carrying out any intervention is that the Patient gives his consent to the intervention, and he also has the right to refuse the care, except in the cases specified by law and in the manner specified therein. In case of refusal of care, the risk of possible deterioration of the Patient’s condition is borne by the Patient himself, therefore the Service Provider and the attending physician are not liable in any respect. The Patient may withdraw his consent at any time, however, in case of withdrawal of consent without a valid reason, he is obliged to reimburse the incurred costs to the Service Provider.
  7. The patient has the right to know the data contained in the health documentation prepared for him, he is entitled to inspect it, request a copy of it at his own expense, receive an outpatient card upon discharge from the Institution, receive a summary or abstract written opinion on his health data for a justified purpose – at his own expense, may initiate the addition or correction of relevant health documentation.
  8. The Patient has the right to have the Service Provider disclose the medical secret relating to him only to those entitled to it, and to treat it confidentially based on the applicable legislation.


Obligations of the Patient:


  1. When using the service of the Service Provider, the Patient is obliged to respect the provisions of the law and the institutional rules (house rules) of the Service Provider.
  2. The Patient is obliged to cooperate with the Service Provider according to his abilities and knowledge, if his state of health allows, in particular

to inform the Service Provider of everything necessary to establish the diagnosis, prepare the appropriate treatment plan and carry out the interventions, thus providing information on all previous illnesses, medical treatment, taking medicine or medicinal preparations, health-damaging risk facts,


to provide information in connection with your own illness about everything that may endanger the life, physical integrity or health of others (infectious diseases)

in the case of infectious diseases defined by law, to name the persons from whom the infectious disease may have been acquired or who may have been infected,

to inform the Service Provider of all legal declarations made by him in the past concerning his health care, to follow the instructions regarding your medical treatment,

after leaving the Service Provider’s facility, if the Patient has a complaint, he must inform his doctor immediately and at the same time visit the regionally competent health care provider, as the Service Provider does not provide acute surgical care verify your personal data as required by law, to pay the service fee due to the Service Provider based on his signed statement.


Rights and obligations of the Service Provider and the attending physician:


  1. The Service Provider and the attending physician are obliged to act in strict compliance with the professional and ethical requirements prescribed for the practice of health service activities, including medical activities, to the best of their knowledge during the performance of the health service.
  2. The attending physician has the right to freely choose from the scientifically accepted examination and therapeutic methods – within the framework of the applicable legislation – the one applicable in the given case, known and practiced by him or by the persons participating in the care, under the available material and personal conditions procedure that can be performed. This right does not affect the Patient’s right to consent and to refuse care.
  3. The attending physician has the right to invite another doctor or other qualified healthcare worker to examine the Patient or to participate in his medical treatment, and is also entitled to propose the convening of a conference or convene a conference.
  4. The Service Provider or the attending physician may refuse care in cases defined by law, especially if the Patient seriously violates the obligation to cooperate.
  5. The Service Provider and the attending physician are obliged to keep medical documentation about the Patient and to comply with the related Patient Rights. 6. The attending physician is obliged to fulfill his obligation to provide information in accordance with the Patient’s instructions and to maintain medical confidentiality, unless the Patient has granted an exemption or the law requires the provision of the data.


  1. Declarations of the Parties


  1. The Patient is obliged to comply with his obligation to provide information to the best of his knowledge, and to acknowledge that if he has intentionally concealed or mistakenly disclosed information relevant to his care and this results in damage, the Service Provider shall not be held liable.
  2. The medical condition recorded in the “Information and Consent Statement” may change during the examinations to be performed, which may result in additional examinations and/or interventions. The attending physician must continuously inform the Patient about these changes. Despite professional health care, general complications arising from the nature of the intervention or complications that cannot be related to the nature of the intervention and that cannot be prevented in any way even with the greatest care may occur during or after the intervention(s) performed.
  3. All planned interventions are performed exclusively by the treating physician chosen by the Patient, who is fully responsible for the treatment as a whole, however, in the event of an urgent need, the existence of a dangerous condition, the decision of the Service Provider’s management, the permanent obstruction of the chosen treating physician, or in the case of daily In order to organize patient care, the Service Provider’s permanent medical staff and staff act.
  4. The Patient is obliged to keep confidential all information and data concerning the personal rights and personal and patient data of another private individual (Patient) that comes to his attention during the treatment, and under no circumstances to disclose such information and data to a third party.


  1. The scope of the General Terms and Conditions


  1. These General Terms and Conditions have been created for the entire duration of the use of the Service Provider’s services, until the fulfillment of the tasks undertaken by the Service Provider, for a fixed period of time.


VII. Miscellaneous Provisions


  1. The provisions of these General Terms and Conditions apply mutatis mutandis to the Patient or the person entitled to represent the Patient (legal representative), especially during the exercise of patient rights.
  2. The Patient gives his unconditional and express consent to the fact that, if the fee due to the Service Provider is not paid or only partially paid, the lawyer appointed by the Service Provider to enforce the claim can fully familiarize himself with the medical documentation.

In matters not regulated in these GTC, CLIV of 1997 on health care. Act, the provisions of Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code and the provisions of additional legislation in force at all times shall apply.